Saturday, December 18, 2010


These are sculptures I've worked on this semester for my figure sculpting class. I tried to take each assignment and to form all of them into a cohesive body of work.

These two works are about the fragility of the relationships that we maintain.

The beeswax bust comments on the relationships that we have with ourselves, and how it takes consistent effort to keep it a healthy one, to hold ourselves together and to examine ourselves with proper perspective and knowledge.

This second piece is about relationships to people with which we are very closely connected, those that see all sides of us, the good and bad. The connection between us and them is one that must be monitored and where the environment we create is crucial to the strength of the bond.
Although these two are solidly connected and grounded in wax, if it gets too hot, they will disconnect and topple over.

I am so glad I chose to take this class, so that I could study the figure three dimensionally, and so I could explore concepts that are relevant to me.

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